Tagged: Sports

The Unpassion

She stood up to speak.  “I’m sorry if I’ve offended any one recently.  It’s football season and I tend to get carried away with it…”

Why does football season, which I enjoy, affect relationships?  Is it because we claim it as part of our identity?  We stick those mass-produced overpriced stickers on the back of our vehicles to let everyone know what tribe we belong to.  We believe our fellow fans have empathy for pseudo heartbreaks and triumphs.

The Unpassion isn’t being passionate-less.  It is being passionate about television shows and sports teams.  It is a passion of consumption.  While it isn’t destructive in itself, it hinders us from achieving our potential.

The Unpassion can be the default.  No one is going to judge you for it.  It is accepted and requires nothing but an hour or two on the couch every week.  The investment is one of leisure, while the goal is a championship completely independent of you.

Finding a passion that will bring out the music in you is going to take more effort than changing the channel.